Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Good run!

I didn't post on Thursday but I did run. I am one of the Cross Country Coaches at our school and although I can't make the Tuesday practices I go on Thursdays. We go on about a 2.5km run with the kids, short for me but that is ok, it still gets me out.

I ran today for about 35 minutes, I hadn't done a long run since last Sunday's 8K run (still happy about that one!). It was a beautiful sunny day so I had a great run today. I actually didn't want to go, I am fighting the 'unmotivation' that hits me sometimes. Now with the weather starting to change to more dreary days I am finding it easier to not go. However, I stepped on the scale again today finally and I am down another pound (19 total!!!) so that was my motivation to keep going!

So happy to be down 19 pounds, had a great run and now off to do some fun scrapping!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go girlfriend!! I so need to get movin. I've been a slacker. I over slept this morning. hahaha Can a SAHM do that? LOL I was going to get up at 5... didn't happen.
    You GO Girl!! Congrats on the 19 lb loss. I have mananged to keep off 3.5. I seem to do better when i run.
    Thanks for the inspiration!!
