Friday, July 31, 2009


So this morning I stepped on my scale and it says I have gained 2 pounds! How depressing! How can that be? I have been running consistently and have really been watching what I have been eating and it has been sparse. Now normally when I have tried to lose weight before I would get upset and all routine would go out the window. Well I am determined not to let it happen again. I think having this blog helps, as does my mini album (which is almost complete - I'll post a sneak peek later) - they keep me motivated. That being said, I do think it could be the scale, it is about 20 years old at least so perhaps it is time to get a new one, I'll think I'll do that today!

I did my run, and it was much nicer, we have a bit of cloud and cooler temps today (so far anyways). I still ran about the same but I have noticed I am not as winded when I get home, and that's a good thing.

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